Pre/Post Treatment care
Small Details Make a BIG Difference
Following these instructions carefully will help you not only be less sensitive during the service, but you will also get more for your money since you will have better retention. Most cosmetic tattoos are not as deep as body art tattoos, when your blood is thin* it will cause more bleeding which will push the fresh pigment out.
The procedure area must be healthy, strong, non-sensitive and non-irritated. Here is how to get your skin ready for the procedure.
*if you have to be on blood thinners due to a medical reason do not worry you can still have a cosmetic tattoo done, just refrain from having any caffeine and alcohol.
Do not pick/tweeze/wax/perform electrolysis one week before the procedure
Do not tan two weeks prior or have sunburned face/skin
Do not have any type of facial 2 weeks prior to treatment
Do not work out the day of the procedure.
Do not have botox 3 weeks prior
Must be off antibiotics for 2-3 weeks before your appointment.
Do not take Fish Oil or Vitamin E one week prior (natural blood thinners)
Do not wax or tint your eyebrows 3 days before the procedure.
Stop using products that contain retinol as soon as you book your treatment. Do not start again until after brows are healed
Can not be using any type of growth serum on area, this will affect retention. Recommend to be off 2 months prior.
I CANNOT WORK ON SUN BURNED EYEBROWS, this affects the retention and can cause scarring since your skin is so raw.
You have to be off antibiotics AT LEAST 2 weeks prior to procedure.
When getting lips done you must be on Valtrex or an anti viral to prevent cold sores one week before and the week of healing.
In order to avoid excessive bleeding, poor color deposit, and to avoid making it more painful:
Do not drink alcohol 24 - 48 hours before your tattoo
Do not consume coffee or any caffeine 24 hours before your procedure
Do not take an aspirin or ibuprofen for pain relief day of procedure (this thins the blood)
Now that you know what NOT to do, it’s time to let me do my magic! If you ever have any questions please feel free to message me any time! And remember, following pre and post treatment care correctly is crucial to ensure your brows heal properly.
Immediately after up to 2 hours:
Absorb any lymph fluid that may ooze the first day to avoid access scabbing with a clean tissue.
Days 1-14:
At LEAST 5 HOURS after the procedure you can start washing the area. Wash daily to remove bacteria and dead skin. (Don't worry...THIS DOES NOT REMOVE THE PIGMENT!)
Gently wash your procedure area each morning and night with water and Mixed Beauty’s Silk Facial Cleanser, this is included in your aftercare kit given to you at your first appointment.
How to: Splash your face with water, never let direct water hit your brows when in the shower. With a very light touch, use your fingertips to gently cleanse the affected area. Rub the area in a smooth motion going only in the direction of your hair growth. Let sit for 10 seconds and rinse with water ensuring that all soap is rinsed away. To dry, fan, air dry or GENTLY pat with a clean tissue. DO NOT use any cleansing products containing acids (glycolic, lactic, or AHA), or any exfoliants.
Days 1-14: Moisturize
Apply balm day and night following cleansing and drying the area. If the area feels tight or itchy you can reapply throughout the day.
How to: With clean fingertips, apply a finger dot amount of Mixed Beauty’s Healing Balm to the affected area. Softly rub in the direction of hair growth, NEVER back and forth and NEVER with anything but clean fingertips, no washcloth, cotton pads or Q Tips. This is also included in your aftercare kit at your first appointment.
Be sure not to over-apply as this will suffocate your skin and delay healing. The balm should be barely noticeable on the skin. Never put balm, or coconut oil on a wet or damp tattoo.
Important Reminders
Use a fresh pillowcase
Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate away. Picking can cause scarring or loss of color
No facials, botox, chemical treatments or microdermabrasion or retinol for 4 weeks
Avoid hot, sweaty exercise for one week
Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for 4 weeks after the procedure. Wear a hat when outdoors. Always have at least 30spf on the area when in sun once healed.
Avoid heavy sweating and long hot showers for the first 10 days.
Avoid sleeping on your face for the first 10 days
Avoid swimming, lakes, hot tubs for the first 10 days
Avoid topical makeup including sunscreen on the area
DO NOT rub, pick or scratch the treated area.
Can wax brows after 4 weeks. Waxing will help your brows stay looking crisp! Definitely not needed but makes a huge difference. Ask me about booking a wax once you’re healed to help maintain your beautiful brows.
Remember, with the proper prep and aftercare routine you will have much better results with your microblading procedure. Don’t forget your new favorite acronym: AWM - Absorb, Wash, Moisturize!
If your skin shows signs of excessive puffiness, redness, soreness, puss or oozing, that could be signs of infection. Please consult your doctor or health care professional with any signs of infection. (This is an open wound, make sure keep it clean and follow aftercare instruction)
Pre book your annual touch-up so you don’t miss your discount window yearly!
*Important note about showering*
Limit your hot showers to 5 minutes so you do not create too much steam. Keep your face/procedure area out of the water while you wash your body, then, at the end of your shower, wash your hair. Your face, or procedure area, should only be getting wet at the very end of the shower. Avoid excessive rinsing and hot water on the treated area.
If you are planning to have laser treatments, you must fully cover your brow tattoo with 20% zinc oxide. Laser may cause pigment to prematurely fade or change color that can be hard to correct. Retinol products and UV will also cause it to fade and alter the color.
Mixed Beauty’s products are made by Mix Cosmetiques. Mixed Beauty partnered up with her to create the perfect healing aftercare for you. These are unique to Mixed Beauty and cannot be found anywhere else.
After seeing people use the wrong products and having their brows get affected by it, I knew I needed to create something that is safe and natural that will help heal your brows fast to prevent too much flaking and almost no scabbing!
Look below to meet the beautiful face behind Mix Cosmetiques and understand why she formulated my products the way she did! She is the creator of Mixed Beauty’s Silk Facial Cleanser, Healing Balm, Lip Polish, Natural Mascara, Brow and Lash Serum and Lip Glosses.
Mixed Beauty's Aftercare
Lanae Rhodes, the owner of Mix Cosmetiques is the mastermind behind Mixed Beauty’s Silk Facial Cleanser Healing Balm. Watch the video to to learn more about the products and why they are right for you. If you want to check out more of her amazing products please check out her website! www.mixcosmetiques.com